Current status update:

We are pleasure to announce the production of the L10 is now resumed. The production of L16 will be resumed at the end of this month.


The L10 supporters and the pre-orders will be notice according to the slot and the L16 supporters will be get the invitaion till testimony accomplish by the separate email.


For the Hong Kong supporters, the workshops will be resumed after 22nd August. We will have another email for the appointment.


We are a very small team and we have tried our best to get our limited resources to solve most of the problems that we found in these months.


What we have done during the last few months?

– Parker got a successful surgery and disengaged from the hospital.

– Our old laser cutter was broken. We bought a new laser cutter and just arrived and set up.

– We had found a factory to help on the production of the cases. L10 production is now confirmed and L16 is at the final review.

– The whole slot of the temperature sensors has a 80% defect. We have to find another factory in China

– The full slot of extruder got a wrong model. We have to send the slot back to the factory but they don’t have the right model at this moment. We have to find an alternative way to solve the problem.

– We had found more suppliers to secure our parts stocks.

– We are discussing with a electronic factory to secure the production of the controller board.


Sorry for the late and Thanks for your support.

Tinyboy Team

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