We are joining the Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association, Opensource Hong Kong and Hong Kong Linux User Group to attend to the largest opensource event in Taiwan, COSCUP 2015.
We are going to give a talk about what we are planing to do, what’s the next stage of the TinyBoy project and giving a report on what we have done for the past years.

The talk about TinyBoy is at 10:50, 15 August, Room R2.

COSCUP 2015 is a 2 days conference and will be held on 15-16 August at Activity Center & HSSB, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
More Detail about COSCUP 2015, please go to HERE.

HKCOTA, OSHK and HKLUG will also have a booth and will give introductions and demos of the opensouce projects in Hong Kong. Of course, Tinyboy is an open design project in Hong Kong will also give demos in the booth.

Welcome to join us at COSCUP 2015, Taiwan.
See you guys in there.

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